Embark Care -
Embark Care is looking to hire caregivers immediately for work in Hopkins County for the following clients:
Client 1- Sulphur Springs - Mon,Wed,Friday 9:30am-2pm $14/HR
Client 2- Saltillo - Mon-Fri anytime - $17/HR
Client 3- Sulphur Springs $15/HR Mon and Friday 1pm-4pm
Client 4- Sulphur springs Tuesday and Thursday $15/HR 10am-3:30pm
Other clients around the area and we anticipate being able to add clients to the hired caregivers schedule as we get them, if desired. Fill in shifts likely available as well if requested. You must have previous caregiver experience, a valid driver license to be considered for some cases, and reliable transportation with current insurance. Direct Deposit pay. Paid travel time between clients at hourly rate.
If you're interested in employment, Please complete the application and competency quiz on the careers page of our website at